projects matthias

Sound of Medan | trans-regional Music video project | Southeast Asia
Record of Change | podcast series | [digital]
OCAT performs: Waiting for Testing – Rewriting Theatre History [contribution] | exhibition | Shenzhen/China

Gardens of Listening – Back on Track | art residency/installations | Aveiro/Portugal
Sound of Medan | Video | Medan/Indonesia / Singapore
Medan Soundspectives | cultural festival | Medan/Indonesia
24 hours Medan | movie| Medan/Indonesia
What is home to you? | documentary series | Germany, South Korea, Indonesia

Ankommen, um nicht zu bleiben | radio documentary | Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg
Film Wanderungen | documentary series | Gast der Perspektive Deutsches Kino, 68. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin
半​中​腰 – halfway | performance | Giessen
Project Ungoverned | podcast series

(Artist in Residence) | research residency | Linden Centre, Xizhou/China
Stadt.Land.Textresearch residency + blog writing | NRW
20 recorded seconds | video | Frankfurt

about my parents and their child | documentary performance | Gulouxi Theatre Beijing/China
Unsere Wünsche gab uns Mao. Eure Wünsche könnt ihr kaufen. | radio documentary | Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg
HAUSFEST | staged concert | Ensemble Musikfabrik Köln
Anne Frank | performance | Junges Theater Bonn
(NTNS II) | performance | Ibsen International / Guangzhou Dramatic Arts Center (China)

about the beautiful new world | documentary performance | Gulouxi Theatre Beijing/China
Alice | performance | Theater Marburg
Geschwister | performance | Staatstheater Darmstadt
Secondhand Zeit | performance | Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin

Die Reichsgründer oder das Schmürz | performance | Staatstheater Darmstadt
about disappearance | performance | Penghao Theatre Beijing
ich bin ich (nicht) | performance | Schloss Bröllin / Kontrapunkt Festival Stettin/PL
zwischenZUstand | performance | 100° Berlin (HAU 1) / TiK Berlin
Rollenspiele(r) | performance | Junges Theater Bonn

Verkommenes Ufer Medeamaterial Landschaft mit Argonauten | performance | bat Berlin
Fluktus | performance | Theaterhaus Jena

Die Nacht kurz vor den Wäldern | performance | Thalia Theater Hamburg
4.48 Psicosis | performance | Teatro Argentino de La Plata

Die Welt dreht weiter | performance | MicaMoca-Project Berlin
Die Nacht kurz vor den Wäldern [Installation] | installation | Uni Gießen / Theater Marburg
ohne Worte | performance | Uni Gießen

Rolltreppe abwärts | feature film | SceneMissing / Zorro Film